The last post I had was a terrific trailer concerning Nolan's Batman trilogy. Well, before Batman, we got a trilogy of superhero films starring Marvel's most iconic hero, Spider-Man. Now, it's pretty close to consensus that Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy isn't quite on the level of quality of Nolan's Batman, especially when you throw in its weakest entry, Spider-Man 3 (side note: I do have to say that it's refreshing to have a set of movies content with doing just the Title, Number format. In a world of Dark Knights Rising, Trekking Into Darkness, Last Stands, Winter Soldiers, Dinosaurs Dawning, Shrek Forever After, etc, it's nice that we just got Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, and Spider-Man 3. I'd also like to thank Toy Story). But there was a lot to like in this colorful, sometimes campy, but very sincere portrayal of the old webslinger.
We must also remember just how important the success and popularity of Spider-Man was to the rash of comic book movies we've had since. If X-Men showed that superhero movies could be serious and cool, Spider-Man showed that and that they could be wildly popular. So we can thank Sam Raimi (and to an extent, Bryan Singer) for Nolan's Batman trilogy, Marvel's Iron Man to Avengers universe, and everything in between.
In that spirit, here's another trilogy trailer, this time for Raimi's Spider-Man:
BTW, Spider-Man 2 is still one of my favorite superhero films. And its trailer is still one of the coolest out there.
Some videos work oh so well. This trailer for the entire Nolan Dark Knight trilogy, where we see the three films combined and meshed with scenes and dialogue, make me realize just how well that world they built fits together. Just fantastic: